This is a blog about Japan and us, but mainly Japan. We’ve always loved Japan and Japanese culture, so this year we’ve moved there. No job, no real plan, just eat good food and explore this brilliant country. 

Chris will be writing the blog. Win will be editing the videos, shooting them, probably editing the blog as well. We’re just starting out writing regularly, hence the 4 Japan’s in the first paragraph. But I (Chris) have always loved writing, and have also worked alongside some of the best copywriters in the UK over the last 6 years working in Advertising, so may have picked up a thing or too.*

A few things to set out. 

I’m not a natural traveller, I like comfortable environments and struggle with change. Luckily Win is the opposite. So a big part of this journey in Japan is pushing my comfort levels to the max. This will push me to change and develop, that’s fucking exciting, but also terrifying.**

We’re not trying to find ourselves, but we are constantly trying to improve, so that we can be better to the people around us and live a more fulfilling life. Whether that is exercising more, starting to journal or being more present we’re at the start of an exciting self-improvement journey.***

However, self-improvement doesn’t mean we’re taking 5am ice baths. It’s more like trying to run 5k or not drink every night of the week****, and write at least one blog post a week.

What is this? 

To finish, where I should have started, we’re going to write about everything we can, to build it as a habit and to create a record to look back on. This blog will cover travel and food in Japan, fashion from Gorpcore to minimalism, EDC (every day carry), and finally refining, crafting and cutting the items and things in my life to hopefully improve it. There might also be some geekery in here, but anime and bright colours really ruin the aesthetic of the blog. 

If any of that sounds interesting, please read. If it doesn’t, also please read…did I mention we have no job and need this to make money?******

*I’m a big Terry Pratchett fan so will be using * to add witty interludes - apologies 

**Are there too many commas in this sentence? 

*** Start being the key word 

**** Don’t hold us to this one in Japan

***** Do hold us to this one we’re unemployed and have no excuses 

****** Need is probably a bit of a strong word, also 6* is probably too many right?